Exploring the Hub - Part 4 Full directory of the mindstorms library

I have spent several hours over the last few days, using the process described in part 2 of this series, to explore the mindstorms library. Below is the full table showing level 1 and 2 libraries/methods/functions.


Red shaded cells

Libraries and methods documented in the Mindstorms App Knowledgebase.

Blue shaded cells

Libraries/methods that might be useful that are not documented. I will investigate these further and update the table with findings.

No shading and libraries/methods beginning with an underscore

e.g. __class__ or _get_color


When I first learnt Python, I was told these types of libraries/methods should not be used. Underscores are generally used to indicate internal/system libraries/methods and generally are not useful to the programmer. However their contents might be interesting, and I have made use of them in the past to get access to variables that were not accessible anywhere else.


Indicates a useable function


Further investigation needed

Level 1

Many libraries have a lowercase version and a CamelCase version.  The CamelCase versions are the ones documented in the App Knowledgebase. The lower case version usually has an instance of the CamelCase version of the method.  When this is the case I have referred to it as Level 1 (ie this method is the same as the Level 1 method)


Creating this table has been quite a tedious process – if you spot typos or omissions, please add a comment below and I will update!  To download this table into Excel, click here.
